Incredible life stories of Neurodivergent people sharing what it‘s like to live on different spectrums with many traits. Autistic, ADHD, Dyspraxic, Dyscalculic, Tourettes and OCD guests tell us about their childhoods, education, work and personal life - and how their mental health has been impacted by being wired differently.
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
Thursday Apr 06, 2023
INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/yourholistictherapist/
PODCAST: https://arrive-therapy-hypno-cbt.libsyn.com
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Thursday Mar 30, 2023
Dyslexia is much more than having difficulty with spelling and reading. Dyslexia leaves kids behind, and this impacts on friendships, peer groups, status and confidence, leading to the child feeling like a failure.
Andy shares his life experiences of being diagnosed dyslexic at school aged five, to coming out of university with not one, but two Masters degrees!
Andy's sheer determination got him results. Now he helps others as a Psychologist and Business Coach to ensure other neurodivergent people get all the support they need to build for success.
Find out more and connect with Andy:
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Thursday Mar 23, 2023
Ric Clarke shares his journey of being diagnosed first as ADHD, then last year as autistic (and with probable dyspraxia thrown in!)
We talk about his love of running, being both left and right handed and the expectations of needing to do well as his siblings at school, and working hard, but not reaching the expected goals.
Ric found his talent in data and Anaplan modelling within the building industry, where he also advocates for neurodivergent people in the workplace, showing that we all have so much to give. He is interested in inclusion and working together to make an equal society, while working with skills and challenges and supporting mental health.
Ric is also a welfare officer at his running club, has an interest in supplements to boost executive function and gut health, has joined the Lived Experience Panel in Scotland, and is working towards getting a Commissioner within government.
Find out more about Ric and connect with him:
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Thursday Mar 16, 2023
Cora Burke has had many challenges in her life as a surviving twin born with epilepsy, who experienced tough early years growing up in a specialist unit away from her parents.
But this, and other life-changing challenges, never stopped Cora from being highly adaptable and extremely determined.
Now Cora has had enough.
Enough of inequality.
Enough of autistic and other neurodivergent people not being treated fairly in the home, education and justice systems or the workplace.
And she’s doing something about it. Cora tells us that, no matter how difficult our lives can be, we can fight for what we believe in. Neurorebellion is such a cause for good. Listen to this inspiring and thought-provoking conversation to hear what it really means when we talk about taking action to help others in the field of Neurodiversity.
Find and connect with Cora:
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Thursday Mar 09, 2023
Currently studying a PhD in organisational psychology and neuro-inclusive practices in education and the workplace, Jessica Dark has done much to support the Neurodivergent Community over many years.
She is an incredible producer of educational and inspirational content on social media, and I have learned so much from this generous advocate for our neurodivergent community.
In this episode, she talks about her late diagnosis journey, life in a neurodivergent family, and her experience of being an advocate.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did recording it!
Find out more about Jessica and connect:
Website: https://ndperspective.squarespace.com/
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/100045718560338/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessica-dark